Technology Articles
Avoid Oil Sampling Pitfalls

Oil analysis is a valuable tool for determining the condition of lubricating oil and the equipment it lubricates. It is best used as a trending process — not a...
Water Hazard: Protect Lubricants And Equipment From Water Contamination

Water is one of the most destructive contaminants in lubrication. It is capable of causing significant damage to the lubricant itself and to the equipment in which the lubricant...
The Benefits Of Oil Analysis

Routine oil analysis is an effective way of gauging the condition of a lubricant and determining optimum change intervals — to get the most life out of the oil...
Avoid These Lubrication Mistakes

The best way to determine the correct frequency of oil changes is to eliminate the guesswork and turn to regular oil analysis. What causes machinery to lose useful life?...
Lubricant Storage And Handling: It Matters More Than You Think

If you want to improve the performance and service life of your lubricants, take a look at your storage and handling procedures. Often treated as an afterthought, storage and...
How To Interpret Your Oil Analysis Report

Oil analysis reports contain vital information about the condition of a lubricant and of the equipment in which the lubricant is being used. By nature, these reports are complex....
Prolong Equipment Life: Keep Lubricant Oxidation At Bay

It’s a simple fact of lubricant life: Lubricants do not last forever. Even under the best conditions, a lubricant will eventually degrade over time due to a process known...
An Introduction To Industrial Lubricant Additives

The world of lubrication is one of diversity: Each machine, application and set of operating conditions demands a particular combination of lubricant properties and functions. These demands create the...
How Do You Test For Oil Viscosity, TAN, Water Content And Metals?

The information gleaned from routine oil analysis can help optimize lubricant life, ensuring viable lubricants are not prematurely put to waste. The laboratory reports on oil samples typically contain...
Food-Grade Lubricants: Good Common Sense, And Good Business Sense

Health and safety issues are a major concern in the food industry. Contaminated food products can not only endanger consumers, but they also can cause significant damage to a...